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Come discuss the 2008 Beijing Summer games with a couple of fanatics!
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Excellent Reporting
While surfing around for Olympic news, I came across a page of Olympic scores, which in itself is not unusual. What was unusual was that there was no indication as to what sport the scores were for. In fact, I can only guess that it is a mixture of different sports since some scores were 4-1 while others 71-69! So the first could be baseball, softball or even soccer while the second looks more like basketball. Is that stupid or what? We could play a game with the scores such as "guess the sport and win my adulation" if you like. The scores are here.
While surfing around for Olympic news, I came across a page of Olympic scores, which in itself is not unusual. What was unusual was that there was no indication as to what sport the scores were for. In fact, I can only guess that it is a mixture of different sports since some scores were 4-1 while others 71-69! So the first could be baseball, softball or even soccer while the second looks more like basketball. Is that stupid or what? We could play a game with the scores such as "guess the sport and win my adulation" if you like. The scores are here.